
Presentation: Conservation Challenges of Emergent Infectious Diseases in Amphibians đź—“

Wednesday, November 14th
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Delaware Valley University’s Life Sciences Building Auditorium
700 E. Butler Avenue
Doylestown, PA 18901

Heritage Conservancy is co-sponsoring this “One Health Series” presentation about amphibians with Del Val University. Heritage Conservancy works to protect the local amphibian population through its Quakertown Swamp Amphibian Rescue Partnership.

Dr. Jim Julian, an assistant professor of biology at Penn State Altoona, will be presenting this seminar about how amphibian diseases impact conservation efforts. In the past two decades, the scientific community has documented hundreds of species of amphibian whose conservation is impacted by emergent infectious disease. While the fungal and viral pathogens associated with these diseases do not infect humans, our activities can influence their spread and impact in amphibian communities. The potential threat of one such pathogen, the “salamander devouring fungus,” is so great that over 200 species of amphibian are banned from import into North America.

This seminar will address the global impacts of amphibian diseases on conservation, how human activities and disturbances to the environment can influence disease, and how researchers, agencies, and citizens can take action to monitor and prevent the spread of amphibian pathogens.

All are welcome! There is no cost to attend. Guests do not need to register in advance.

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