
“FOOD FROM THE RADICAL CENTER”: Presented by Heritage Conservancy and Delaware Valley University đź—“

Wednesday, March 6th
Beginning at 6:00 PM
Delaware Valley University
Life Sciences Building Auditorium
700 E. Butler Ave.
Doylestown, PA 18901

Heritage Conservancy is partnering with Del Val University on its “One Health” Series, which brings awareness to help attain well-being for people and society, the environment, and plants and animals.

Gary Paul Nabhan, author of “Food from the Radical Center,” is the featured speaker of this evening. He narrates the collaboration of
diverse communities to revive healthy, local food production. In
a divided nation, efforts to support local food systems are
bringing people with different political views, cultures, and
religions together and providing hope for future conservation
initiatives. Land and rare species restoration as described in
Nabhan’s book have brought economic, ecological, and social
success to U.S. communities. “Food from the Radical Center” offers an
inclusive vision of environmentalism and stories of healing
through community-based recovery of food-producing

Free for everyone; all are welcome. Contact Reg Hoyt at 215-489-2943 or with any questions.

Scheduled Events